Sometimes, I get things wrong. Last week I posted here a list of copies of past titles which I am selling off to free some space in this crowded house. But my timing of this was really insane.
The day after the post went up I had to go to Paris for three days. Today I am back but we have no food in the house – and anyway it is publication day for The Adjacent. At the weekend I am doing a launch of the book in London, on Sunday I’ll be moving furniture and on Monday we have builders coming in to repair part of the floors.
Meanwhile, I have received a stream of orders for the books and I’m simply incapable of dealing with them for the time being. If you have sent an order, please be tolerant. I have kept each one in the order in which I received them and for those that arrived before I went to Paris I have set aside the physical copies. The rest I will treat in strict order of receipt, and I will contact everyone direct as soon as I can. However, it might be a week or two before I can get around to everyone.
So sorry!