ISBN: 978-0-9559735-4-3
Pages: 230 x 150 mm; 166 pp.
Price: £16.99 or $22.95 or €19.95
“This book shows that young writers have to start somewhere, that they can learn and improve, that the road is long but not that long.”
Christopher Priest introducing Ersatz Wines, a collection of his short stories that have never before been collected in book form.
Like thousands of others, Priest dreamed of becoming a writer. He was 18 years old, languishing incompetently in a job he neither liked nor understood – the world of books was his main hold on sanity. One day he decided that he would change his life and become a published writer. With no advantages to speak of, he had to start from nothing.
Within three years, though, he had sold his first story and by the time he was 25 he was a full-time author, selling books in Britain, the USA and several other countries. This book traces the process by which he did it.
‘These are the stories I wrote while I was learning how to be a writer. They are not intended to explain or excuse or brag about what I did. They are simply to encourage others, who might have now the same objective as I had then.’